Saturday, July 09, 2005

Zach arrived at the train station late in the afternoon. It then occured to him that he didn't have enough money for a ticket. "Hmmm... I'll have to improvise." Zach walked out of the station and around to the tracks. "I'll just wait for a train and hop on," he thought. About half an hour later, Zach heard the next train leaving. He looked to his right, into the station, to confirm his thoughts. He got to his feet and prepared to jump. The engine creeped past. Next a few more cars. The train picked up speed. More and more cars began running by. Then Zach saw an open boxcar heading toward him. Zach began running along side the train. The boxcar caught up fairly quickly. Zach decided now was the best time. He grabbed hold of the train and lept inside. He rolled across the floor, stopping in the middle of the car. Zach got his bearings and stood up. Looking out the door, he saw the sun shining over the tops of the trees. He sat down by one of the walls. "Maybe I can relax for a bit."


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